Golden State Killer

So, after 20 years of not knowing who the Golden State Killer was – we finally have answers. In 2018 DNA testing put a name and a face to the series of burglaries, rapes and murders across California in the 70’s and 80’sex cop Joseph DeAngelo.

Now the work could begin.

Even here in the UK, it was big news when Joseph DeAngelo finally pleaded guilty to 13 charges of first-degree murder and special circumstances (which was a murder committed during a burglary and rapes), as well as 13 counts of kidnapping would now spend the rest of his life in prison.

Now I wanted to do this post a little different to the others I have done. I didn’t want to focus on the killer and what they did or how they did it. I didn’t want to focus on what made someone do a horrible act.

This time, I want to focus on the victims and the survivors. I want to share their names with you because they deserve to be remembered as people and not as someone that was raped or murdered by this S.O.B. I want to mention Michelle McNamara as I feel she was a big part in gathering information about the Gold State Killer and keeping the case relevant to people of the years. She was even writing a book that she never finished. She, unfortunately, died before DeAngelo was caught but from what friends and family have said about her – I know she’s happy that justice is finally being served for the victims and their families.

If you want more information on Michelle and the book she wrote called ‘I’ll Be Gone In The Dark’, you can check it out wherever you buy your books; there’s an audiobook available on Audible, as well as TV series on HBO (Sky Atlantic in the UK).

So here are the names of the people that were taken too soon, that deserve to be remembered and those who survived:

Jane Carson-Sandler                        Kris Pedretti

Mary Berwert                                     Margaret Wardlow

Claude Snelling                                Katie and Brian Maggiore

Robert Offerman                              Debra Manning

Charlene and Lyman Smith            Keith and Patrice Harrington

Manuela Witthuhn                           Cheri Domingo

Gregory Sanchez                              Janelle Cruz


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