Darya Saltykova

I’m so sorry peoples, I took an unplanned hiatus which then lasted longer than it should of. But I’m back and ready to get back into this. So, I thought I’d start with the horrible tale from Russia – the Countess Darya Saltykova. So Darya Saltykova was born in 1730 into the Russian nobility and as far as anyone could tell there wasn’t anything special about her. She was just like every other Russian noble woman. However, she would go on to murder at least 138 at her estate in Moscow. So maybe not. When she was young, she married Gleb Saltykov and had two sons – Theodore and Nicholas. During her marriage to Gleb, people said that Darya was a pious woman who was a little gloomy at times. She was known to donate money to churches and monasteries, like the good noble she was. Though when she was just 26, Gleb died leaving Darya the wealthiest widow in Moscow. She inherited two properties – a property in Moscow and an estate near Moscow called Troitsko...